This is me, after a helicopter ride at Rusk State Park:
And, here are some of the things I’m interested in:
- Storytelling and narrative-based learning, situated learning
- Apprenticeship, coaching, peripheral participation, communities of practice
- Games, gamification, badges, quest-based learning
- Blogging, social media
- Collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning
- Experiential learning, active learning, problem-based learning, reflection, constructivism
- Makerspaces and hackerspaces, peer learning, social learning, constructionism
- MOOCs, connectivism, rhizomatic learning
- Personal learning environments and personal learning networks, networked learning
- Wikis and digital repositories, knowledge management, resource-based learning, scaffolding
- Augmented and virtual reality
- Learning analytics, social network analysis
- Adaptive learning, intelligent tutoring systems, personalized learning
- Portfolios and portfolio-based assessments
- Informal, incidental, and lifelong learning; programs that blend formal and informal learning
- Participation, ownership of learning, motivation, self-directed and self-regulated learning
- Enculturation, identity, online identity, and positional identity
- Pedagogical theories such as cognitivism, behaviorism, socio-cultural theory
- Learning management systems (LMSs) and virtual learning environments (VLEs)
- Curricula and professional development programs
- Learning design
- Openness, open educational resources, open learning, open teaching, and open textbooks
- xAPI and cmi5
- Accessibility and universal design for learning