Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity

book cover for Wenger's Communities of Practice

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

This book  details Wenger’s theory of communities of practice  . Wenger wrote the book as part of his work with the Institute for Research on Learning  . Four years later, Wenger published another book that outlined ways in which communities of practice can be cultivated. I read this book to support my final paper in the OU module E84, ‘Curriculum, learning, and society’.

My reading notes



Ch. 1: Meaning

Ch. 2: Community

Ch. 3: Learning

Ch. 4: Boundary

Ch. 5: Locality


Ch. 6: Identity in practice

Ch. 7: Participation and non-participation

Ch. 8: Modes of belonging

Ch. 9: Identification and negotiability


Ch. 10: Learning architectures

Ch. 11: Organizations

Ch. 12: Education

See also

Wenger, E. (2010) ‘Communities of practice and social learning systems: the career of a concept’