Learning in Landscapes of Practice

Learning in Landscapes of Practice cover

Wenger-Trayner, E., Fenton-O’Creevy, M., Hutchinson, S., Kubiak, C., and Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015) Learning in Landscapes of Practice: Boundaries, identity, and knowledgeability in practice-based learning, New York, Routledge.

This book is a set of interrelated essays that builds on Wenger’s original ideas on communities of practice.

My reading notes

Part 1: Theory

Ch. 1: Learning in a landscape of practice: A framework

Part 2: Stories from the landscape

Ch. 2: Failure and resilience at boundaries: The emotional process of identity work

Ch. 3: Students at the academic-workplace boundary: Tourists and sojourners in practice-based education

Ch. 4: Multi-membership and identification

Ch. 5: Brokering boundary encounters

Part 3: Convening

Ch. 6: Systems conveners in complex landscapes

Ch. 7: Habiforum: Convening stakeholders to reinvent spatial planning

Ch. 8: The IDEA partnership: Convening learning partnerships in the complex landscape of special education

Part 4: Conclusions, and an invitation to a continued conversation

Ch. 9: Challenges for practice-based education