Non-Western Perspectives on Learning and Knowing
This book has a collection of articles that investigate eight different perspectives on learning and knowing, all from non-Western cultures.
My reading notes
Ch. 1: Introduction to non-western perspectives on learning and knowing (Merriam, S.)
Ch. 2: Islams lifelong learning mandate (Kamis, M., and Muhammad, M.)
Ch. 3: American Indian indigenous pedagogy (Allen, P.)
Ch 4: Hinduism and learning (Thaker, S.)
Ch. 5: Maori concepts of learning and knowledge (Findsen, B., and Tamarua, L.)
Ch. 6: Buddhist learning: A process to be enlightened (Shih, J.)
Ch. 7: African indigenous knowledge: The case of Botswana (Ntseane, G.)
Ch. 8: Liberation theology and learning in Latin America (Conceicao, S., and Oliveira, A.)
Ch. 9: Adult learning from a Confucian way of thinking (Kee, Y.)
Ch. 10: Broadening our understanding of learning and knowing (Merriam, S.)