Teaching Crowds: Learning and social media
Dron, J., and Anderson, T. (2014) Teaching Crowds: Learning and social media [Online]. Alberta, Canada, AU Press, Athabasca University. Available at http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120235
This book expands on Dron and Anderson’s theory about groups, nets, sets, and collectives, which is important for understanding social media’s role in learning. I read this book to support my final paper in the OU module H818, ‘The networked practitioner’.
My reading notes
Ch. 1: On the nature and value of social software for learning
Ch. 2: Social learning theories
Ch. 3: A typology of social forms for learning
Ch. 7: Learning with collectives
Ch. 8: Stories from the field
Ch. 9: Issues and challenges in educational uses of social software
Ch. 10: The shape of things and of things to come