The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook

The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook cover

Russell, L. (1999) The Accelerated Learning Fieldbook: Making the instructional process fast, flexible, and fun, San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

This book provides practical advice about implementing the Accelerated Learning (A.L.) in a training program.

My reading notes

Ch. 1: Starting the learning journey

Part 1: How people learn

Ch. 2: A contract for learning

Ch. 3: Learning to take more in

Ch. 4: Learning through all your intelligences

Ch. 5: Learning with your whole brain

Ch. 6: Remembering what you learned

Part 2: How successful learning is delivered

Ch. 7: You are the deliverer

Ch. 8: The environment delivers learning

Ch. 9: Music to deliver learning

Part 3: How successful learning events are built

Ch. 10: Developing learning events

Ch. 11: Selling the dream

Ch. 12: Your learning journey continues